Why (and How) Opal is Solving Marketing Alignment >

Plan and visualize your marketing efforts in a single platform

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Opal is used by top brands around the world

The only planning platform designed for marketers

Opal equips marketers with the ability to build content across all their channels, brands, and campaigns. By aligning your teams in one place and visualizing content the way your customers will see it, you deliver a consistent brand experience.

Watch now to see how Target uses Opal to present a unified brand in-market.

Want to see Opal in action?

Opal provides me with an easy way to navigate all of the content me and my team produce. It allows us to easily edit, change, and create new pieces while keeping it organized.
— Brady F. | Copywriter
Opal streamlines collaboration among my team. We can leave comments for specific pieces of content, tag each other, and add in approval phases with timelines. This makes it really easy to figure out if content is approved, or needs edits.
— Tara M. | Manager

Plan with intention

All content and approvals — for every channel, account, and brand — live in one platform.

When the entire marketing organization has a one-stop shop to plan and preview content, you can be sure your efforts are aligned with your brand strategy.

Opal ensures no one is out of the loop when it comes to any of your campaigns and helps connect the dots between all your marketing efforts.

Opal allows my teams to plan our marketing efforts, manage workflows and approvals, and does so in a clean, easy-to-understand UI.
— Kelley Myers | Director, Social Media

Maintain a unified brand experience in-market

With Opal, you can preview content before your customers ever see it, so off-brand messaging will never slip through the cracks.

Go to market with confidence, knowing only approved posts — thoughtfully constructed and vetted for potential scheduling conflicts — will deliver to your publishing tool.

Rest assured that every post was created with intention and will be on-brand.

One of my favorite features is the ability to create shareable Opal content presentations in just a few clicks. This has saved me countless hours over the years I’ve been using Opal.
— Joe Curry | Director, Digital Content Strategy

Ready to see why thousands of marketers use Opal?

4 wks

Additional campaign
lead time

5 hrs

Saved building
presentations every week


More assets
being repurposed

Join thousands of marketers using Opal

  • No credit card required
  • Get started right away — Example content comes pre-loaded
  • Unlimited users — Invite your whole team
  • We’re here to help — Chat with our support team or browse the help center

Ready to see if Opal is right for your team? Fill out the form to start your free trial!

Opal’s multiple views and workspaces allows for my team to keep different brands separate when needed, but have a holistic view of the content going out across channels.
— Cora L. | Senior Project Manager
I like how social media posts populate in a mock-up of what the post will actually look like on the platform, vs. just showing the asset and post copy.
— Rachel L. | Senior Account Manager