Why (and How) Opal is Solving Marketing Alignment >

The CMO’s Source of Truth

Discover our prototype built to solve marketing alignment across the entire organization.


Essential Capabilities

Consolidate fragmented plans

Get critical strategic ideas out of disconnected spreadsheets & presentations — into a central space alongside your organization’s plans.

Create your custom plan

From flexible templates to custom views, you can create a strategic plan that matches your brand, audience & focus.

Connect plans to the work

Activate teams from the plan – then connect to the work in Opal to see the real-time execution.

Let’s Talk

This prototype will be live in the Opal platform in approximately 6 months. However, if you’d like to see more now, you can request a one-on-one meeting to discuss Opal’s vision for a marketing source of truth.

89% of CMOs believe alignment is important to succeed, yet only 1% say they have it.
— Forrester Research: Operational Alignment Fuels Content Marketing