Why (and How) Opal is Solving Marketing Alignment >

Third Parties

We may share Personal Data with vendors or agents working on our behalf for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy. For example, we may hire companies to assist with protecting and securing our systems or services. The vendors and agents that we retain must comply with our data privacy and security requirements and they are not allowed to use Personal Data they receive from us for any other purpose. Like us, they will never barter, trade, or sell access to your Personal Data. We remain responsible and liable under data protection laws if third-party agents we engage to process Personal Data on our behalf do so in a manner inconsistent with the applicable data protection laws, unless we prove that we are not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.

You may find a list of third parties below:

AzureData Hosting, Infrastructure ServicesUSAazure.microsoft.com
BoxFile PreviewUSAbox.com
CloudinaryImage HostingIsraelcloudinary.com
DatadogInfrastructure and Application MonitoringUSAdatadoghq.com
EmbedlyURL EmbeddingUSAembed.ly
FullstoryCustomer SupportUSAfullstory.com
HoneyBadgerError and Exception ReportingUSAhoneybadger.io
IntercomCustomer SupportUSAintercom.com
IroncladContractual Management USAironcladapp.com
JiraSupport Issue TrackingAustraliaatlassian.com
MailgunInbound Email ProcessingUSAmailgun.com
MarketoPlatform Usage MetricsUSAmarketo.com
PendoUser NotificationsUSApendo.io
PostMarkAppOutbound Email DeliveryUSApostmarkapp.com
SalesforceCustomer Relationship ManagementUSAsalesforce.com
Segment.ioApplication AnalyticsUSAsegment.com
SnowflakePlatform Usage MetricsUSAsnowflake.com
TotangoCRM and Contractual TrackingUSAtotango.com
TwilioOutbound SMS MessagingUSAtwilio.com
URL2PNGFile Preview GenerationUSAurl2png.com
WistiaInteractive Platform TrainingUSAwistia.com